Forgot your password and or need to reset it? How do I reset my password?

You can reset your password from the Log In page by clicking the “Forgot your password?” link. You will receive a verification email with a link. After clicking the link, simply follow the steps to create a new password. Or, if you are already logged in, you can select Settings from the upper right, select Passwords and follow the instructions from there.

My account has been locked, what should I do?

FidSafe takes your account security very seriously. If you locked your account by entering incorrect answers to your security questions, you can reset your account using your phone for verification. From the log in page, by clicking the “Forgot my answer” link, a verification code will be sent to your phone. If your account is locked and you do not have a phone on file, please call our Customer Support team at 1-800-453-3332 for assistance. Customer Support is available from Monday-Friday, 8:30am to 9:00pm EST, and Saturday from 8:30am to 5:00pm EST. In order to verify and unlock your account, you will be asked a series of questions for security verification purposes that only you, the account holder, will know the answers to. Customer Support will reset the account allowing you to log in and update the phone number.

How do I close my account?

Log in to FidSafe and go to Settings > General and then select “Delete Account”. Before you do, consider downloading your files, as you will not have access to your content stored in FidSafe once your account is closed.

What browsers does FidSafe support?

FidSafe tests its new releases against the then-latest official versions of four major browsers. Currently, FidSafe supports the following minimum browser versions:
Chrome 38 / Firefox 33 / Internet Explorer 10 / Safari 6.1

Can I change my security questions?

Yes, you can change your security questions by clicking on settings in the upper right, then security.

What if I forget the answers to my security questions?

FidSafe strongly recommends you have a phone on file in the event you forget your security questions. To update your account with your phone number, go to settings, then security.

Who can I contact for help?

If you need assistance, call our Customer Support team at 1-800-453-3332. Visit our FAQ page for more information.